Pastor, We Are Here to Serve You and Your Church!
Dear Pastor:
You have many decisions to make regarding which ministry outreaches and programs will best fit the mission God has given your church. You want to reach your community and win the lost to Christ; yet you need to provide teaching and opportunities for your congregation to mature in the Lord and be equipped for service.
These days, the Lord is calling His church and His people back to basics. Time is short until Jesus returns; we need to get serious about “going” and bringing in the harvest.
The ministry of Jesus included preaching, teaching and healing the sick. The miracles performed by Jesus convinced many to believe and receive Him. Are people getting saved, healed and delivered in your church? Do they stay healed and set free? One reason we don’t see more miracles is a lack of knowledge and training in this area.
Jesus Healing House Ministries can help. This outreach is powerful in its simplicity because its total focus is on Jesus Christ! Contact us for more details! Click Here to contact us.
You have many decisions to make regarding which ministry outreaches and programs will best fit the mission God has given your church. You want to reach your community and win the lost to Christ; yet you need to provide teaching and opportunities for your congregation to mature in the Lord and be equipped for service.
These days, the Lord is calling His church and His people back to basics. Time is short until Jesus returns; we need to get serious about “going” and bringing in the harvest.
The ministry of Jesus included preaching, teaching and healing the sick. The miracles performed by Jesus convinced many to believe and receive Him. Are people getting saved, healed and delivered in your church? Do they stay healed and set free? One reason we don’t see more miracles is a lack of knowledge and training in this area.
Jesus Healing House Ministries can help. This outreach is powerful in its simplicity because its total focus is on Jesus Christ! Contact us for more details! Click Here to contact us.
• Reach the lost in your neighborhood. • Heal the sick and set the captives free. • Increase church membership and discipleship. • Equip your congregation for the harvest of souls. |
Pastor, we can organize and implement an "Operation Harvest" outreach in your community to . . .
• Pray and minister to them, which will build a good future relationship with your church • Invite them to attend your church for a – Special introductory seminar to the Jesus Healing House healing ministry – JHH Open House, class or series of classes |
Jesus Healing House Programs Include:
JESUS HEALING HOUSE – A healing center for believers and non-believers alike where the "works of Jesus" are manifested through prayer and teaching by trained and anointed workers. This is an excellent opportunity for evangelism because Jesus almost always proved who He was with miracles after His teaching. As the early church disciples followed in His footsteps, souls were saved by the thousands and added to the Church.
BELIEVERS MINISTRY TRAINING PROGRAM – The leaders of the Church are called to teach and equip the saints to do the work of ministry. As an extended arm of the Church, breaking barriers and crossing over denominational lines, we offer a training program that provides opportunities for believers to be equipped to use their God-given spiritual and ministry gifts.
JESUS HEALING HOUSE – A healing center for believers and non-believers alike where the "works of Jesus" are manifested through prayer and teaching by trained and anointed workers. This is an excellent opportunity for evangelism because Jesus almost always proved who He was with miracles after His teaching. As the early church disciples followed in His footsteps, souls were saved by the thousands and added to the Church.
BELIEVERS MINISTRY TRAINING PROGRAM – The leaders of the Church are called to teach and equip the saints to do the work of ministry. As an extended arm of the Church, breaking barriers and crossing over denominational lines, we offer a training program that provides opportunities for believers to be equipped to use their God-given spiritual and ministry gifts.