How to Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Note: This is an excerpt from my book, A Scriptural
Guide: Baptism of the Holy Spirit. The book in it's
entirety is available free as an e-book.
Click here to download.
There are three Scriptural methods of receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit shown in God's Word:
(1) Sovereign Move of God (Acts, Chapter 2) -- Initial outpouring of the Holy Spirit as foretold by the prophet, Joel, on the Day of Pentecost. Christ, too, had told them about this event — the Baptism with the Holy Spirit. This manifestation included a heavenly sound as of a rushing mighty wind, and divided tongues of fire. They also spoke in actual languages, which they did not previously know or learn. People often ask why these “signs” don’t accompany today’s baptism of the Holy Spirit experiences. This is because the Holy Spirit has already been given on the Day of Pentecost. We don’t have to wait any longer on God for His Promise. All we have to do now is to personally ask Him for the baptism of the Holy Spirit, just as you asked Jesus to come into your heart and life. As for the language question, there have been documented and witnessed cases where a believer will be speaking in an unknown (to him or her) tongue, and the person hearing it will confirm that it is an actual language, usually their native tongue. You will note also, that in other biblical accounts where people were baptized with the Holy Spirit, there was no indication that the same manifestations as on the Day of Pentecost occurred.
(2) Preaching the Word of God (Acts, Chapter 10) — As Peter preached Jesus Christ to the household of Cornelius, the Holy Spirit fell on all those who heard the Word. None of them – the Jews or the Gentiles – were expecting or seeking that experience. But God knows the hearts of people and their readiness to receive more from Him.
(3) Laying On of Hands (Acts 19:1-6)— In Ephesus, Paul inquired of some disciples if they had received the Holy Spirit. After he had explained more concerning the baptism of the Holy Spirit, Paul laid hands on the disciples. The Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied.
How to Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
There are three steps to receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit:
1. Know what God’s Word, the Bible, says about this wonderful gift from God. That has been the purpose of this study guide — to provide scriptural knowledge about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Please go through any portions of it again, or study additional Scriptures in the Bible, if you are unsure of your understanding on this subject.
2. Spend some time in praise and worship to the Lord. God inhabits our praises. In Acts, Chapter 2, it says that they were all in one accord. Make sure there is no strife in your life, or unforgiveness in your heart toward anyone. Repent of any known sin according to 1 John 1:9: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” If you have been putting other things or people before God, this is a good time to repent of that also, and ask Him to renew your first love for the Lord, Jesus Christ.
3. Ask God by faith for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6) Put it in your own words, or pray something like this:
"Dear God,
I am a born again believer. I am Your child. I understand that You love me and desire to fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I believe Your Word is true. Your Word says that if I ask, and believe, I will receive the Holy Spirit. So, in the Name of Jesus Christ, my Lord, I am asking You now to fill me to overflowing with Your Holy Spirit.
Jesus, according to Your Word, You are the One who baptizes with the Holy Spirit, so I am asking You now to baptize me with the Holy Spirit. I thank You for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit which I believe I have received. I also believe, by faith, that I will speak in tongues now as the Spirit gives me utterance. Amen""
After you have prayed and asked God to fill you with the Holy Spirit:
Begin to speak as the Holy Spirit gives you utterance. "Other tongues" may come flowing out like a river, or you may hear in your spirit just a word or two. Open your mouth and say whatever words are in your heart or come to mind no matter how silly or strange they may sound to you. They will be from the Holy Spirit.
Even if there is only one syllable, speak it out again and again. You will be praising and praying to God in your new prayer language! Just as a baby, or young child, learns new words, your Spirit “vocabulary” will increase Don’t worry if you only have a few words, or even just one word to start. Sometimes, a whole flood of words will come! Don’t hold back, but speak them out boldly. Whichever way it happens — It’s real!
The important thing is to keep praying in tongues every day. Don’t let doubts or fears rise up and steal the wonderful gift you have received. Keep exercising this gift of tongues, and rejoice in your new relationship with the Holy Spirit. Commune with Him daily, for He is the Spirit of the Lord, and will abide with you forever!
Remember, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, along with the outward evidence of speaking in tongues, is just the beginning. You will begin to experience a closer relationship with the Lord, and more power to witness and serve Him. You will receive greater revelation and understanding of spiritual things. Purposefully yield each day to the Holy Spirit. Obey God’s Word and repent of any sin as soon as you are aware of it. Ask God to fill you afresh and new each day with His Spirit — His wisdom, power and love.
Congratulations as you embark on this great new adventure with the awesome Holy Spirit of God!
(NOTE: If you haven’t received the manifestation of speaking in tongues, or have other questions, seek out a church leader or believer who believes and has experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Ask them to lay hands on you, and help you to receive the Holy Spirit. Don’t give up! Keep seeking Jesus and He will guide you. He is the Holy Spirit Baptizer!)